[Multiplayer Console ] |
Admin Console:
ban player_name hours
ban player_id hours
example: ban CheatingPlayer 10
example: ban 268 0
player_name - Name of the player to be banned
player_id - Outputs the ID number of the player, this can be found by using the "list" command
hours - Number of hours, 0 means for ever
player is kick out from the game and cannot join the server for selected number of hours
banip player_name time
banip player_id time
bans a player from the game as standard "ban" command, but remembers the player's IP address and disables anybody to connect from this IP
outputs a list of all banned players to the console
banremove index
removes the banned player from the list
clears the list of banned players
set srvvm status
status - 0 or 1.
sets Vietnam mode on/off
set srvab status
status - 0 or 1.
sets "autobalance" on/off
set srvff status
status - 0 or 1.
sets Friendly fire on/off
set srvec status
status - 0 or 1.
sets Enemy camera on/off
set srvcleng limit
limit - Maximum number of player of this class.
sets limit for the engineer class
set srvclmed limit
limit - Maximum number of player of this class
sets limit for the medic class
set srvclsni limit
limit - Maximum number of player of this class
sets limit for the sniper class
set srvclrad limit
limit - Maximum number of player of this class
sets limit for the radioman class
set srvclmac limit
limit - Maximum number of player of this class
sets limit for the machinegunner class
set srvakidle minutes
minutes - Number of minutes or 0 to disable
sets time for "auto kick idle player"
set srvakping ms
ms - Number of milliseconds or 0 to disable
sets ping for "auto kick high ping"
set srvaktk tk_value ban_hours
tk_value - Number of all kills, 0 to disable
ban_hours - Number of hours to be banned when kicked by the auto kick
sets "auto kick team kill"
set srvpassword new_password
changes the current server password
clears all missions in the mission list except the actual one
mlchangemap index mission endrule endruleval
example: mlchangemap 0 StreamATG points 4
changes the missions in mission list (can be used for the actual mission too - mission is reloaded immediately)
mlchangeendrule index endrule endruleval
example: mlchangeendrule 0 frags 20
mlchangeendrule 0 time 40.
mlchangeendrule 0 points 5.
changes the end rule (can be used for the actual mission too)
mlremovemap index
removes mission from the list (cannot be used on actual mission)
mladdmap mission endrule endruleval
example: mladdmap NvaCoop time 60
adds a mission to the list
switches to the next mission in the list
nextmap map_index
switches to a specified map in the mission list
adminsay "something to say"
example: adminsay " Hello, I am your ruler! "
special chat for the administrator - so everybody can see that it is an administrator (the message has a different colour and stays for a longer amount of time)
set srvdb 0/1
sets the "BlackDeath" option on or off – after the player is killed his screen fades to black (required for clan wars)
swapplayer name/id
swaps a player to the other team (valid for team based games)
set srvspectators limit delay
set the spectators properties
limit - Maximum number of spectators
delay - Delay in seconds
set votechangemap 0/1 (default value is 1)
enables or disables the voting about the current map/mode change
set voterestart 0/1 (default value is 1)
enables or disables the voting about the current map restart
set srvadmin password
password = new password
sets password for the remote administration
set srvadmin
clears password for the remote administration, no remote administration is allowed
set srvctf respawn_time_seconds
sets the respawn time limit for the CTF mode
set srvtt mission_time_minutes respawn_time_seconds
sets the mission and respawn times for the TT mode
set srvvoicechat [status]
switches the voice chat support off/on on the server
status can be set as 0 (off), 1 (low quality), 2 (high quality)
we suggest you to use the low quality on good internet servers and high quality for LAN games only
set srvjoinmsg "Message from the server"
Enables the administrator to set a message that is sent to all players who join the server
set srvteamlock lock
lock setting:
0 - no lock
1 - US team locked
2 - VC team locked
when the team is locked, no one can join it
set srvvmchat 0/1
default 0, 1 disables messages about killing somebody and commands texts, only chat and system messages are displayed
set srvbluebt 0/1
default 1, 0 disables the blue highlight of all booby-traps
All Users:
kick player_name
kick player_id
player_name - Name of the player to be kicked.
player_id - Outputs the ID number of the player. This can be found by using the "list" command.
administrators kick the player immediately, clients will start voting
startadmin password
password = password for remote administration
send password on server to enable remote administration for the client
the list of all players is printed to the console
list of all administrators is printed to the console
outputs the current game results into a text file
outputs the current "missions list" to the console
mlchangecurmap mission endrule endruleval
example: mlchangecurmap StreamCTF time 20 changes the current mission in the mission list when no administrator uses it, a voting is started
restarts the current mission
when no administrator uses it, a voting is started
chattoconsole 0/1/2
default is 0 for server and 1 for client
0 – nothing is written to the console 1 – The players' chat is written to the console 2 – The players' chat and information about killing is written to the console
consoletime 0/1
when on (1) adds system time as a prefix to important messages written to the console
rpstart filename
starts saving a game replay, the result is saved as a "replayfilename.rep" file
ends the saving of the game replay
rpload filename
loads a saved relay, the game disconnects from the current game and goes to the "replay mode"
rpsetbmp fps filename
example: rpsetbmp 25 StreamBattle
sets the FPS for BMP saving and the name of the files
[SinglePlayer Console ] |
GIFTFROMPTERODON — enables access to the following cheat codes:
restores health
restores health for the team
get a weapon, X is a value between 0-30 *
refills ammunition.
get grenades
access quick fights
play in 3rd person view
show frame rate information
show some statistics
Viet Cong's wear masks
the Viet Cong cannot kill you
* weapons from the list:
1 M16
2 AK-47
4 M1 Garand
6 PPS-41
7 Colt M1911
8 Tokarev
9 Makarov
10 Revolver 38
11 Remington 870
12 Winchester 70
14 SVD Dragunov
15 SKS Simonov
17 M60
18 Dagtarev
19 US-M3
21 Thompson
22 SW Modell 39
23 PPS-43
25 M1
26 Mosin Nagant
27 M79
28 Baikal IZH-43
29 Battle knife
30 Knife
HrAdßa CHeats
Code 2 = |
speedhack, can be caused by bad connection that the server sees as cheating |
Code 3 = |
flying cheat |
Code 4 = |
weapons cheat |
Code 5 = |
ammo cheat |
Code 6 = |
US grenade cheat, no punishment, cheaters grenade is ignored, just info written to hblog.txt |
Code 7 = |
VC grenade cheat, no punishment, cheaters grenade is ignored, just info written to hblog.txt |
Code 8 = |
booby-trap cheat |
Code 9 = |
speedhack, disabled in v1.40 because some false detections |
Code 20 = |
weapons cheat |
Code 21 = |
weapons cheat |
Code 22 = |
player definition file cheat |
Code 23 = |
player definition file cheat |
Code 24 = |
headgear cheat |
Code 25 = |
headgear cheat |
Code 26 = |
super jump cheat |
Code 27 = |
flying cheat |
Code 28 = |
HradBa is hacked |
Code 29 = |
HradBa answer time out, can be caused by bad connection |
Code 128 = |
game engine hooked, can be cause by some Firewalls, Anti-viruses or by Windows-Blinds like software |
Code 129 = |
HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection |
Code 130 = |
speedhack, disabled in HradBa v103 because false detection, still written to the log to- help us debug it |
Code 131 = |
speedhack |
Code 132 = |
HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection |
Code 133 = |
game data differs on the server and the client, can be caused by some unofficial patches |
Code 134 = |
just info, player uses incorrect map ( can happen when server changes maps) |
Code 135 = |
player uses incorrect map and do some action ( shooting, grenades and so on) |
Code 136 = |
HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection |
Code 137 = |
Game engine is hacked |
Code 138 = |
Game engine is hackedCode |
Code 139 = |
HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection |
Code 140 = |
HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection |
Code 141 = |
spectator false cheat detection |
Code 143 = |
Game files are different from that of the servers |
Code 144 =
Code 145 = |
speedhack #130 detected five times in short time period, player will be kicked so as to not disturb the game |
Code 147 = |
flying cheat |
Code 148 = |
is the new superjump detection |
Code 149 = |
VCHook+3danalyser detection Hradba203 |
Code 150 = |
VCHook3 detection Hradba204 |
Code 151 = |
for Direct3D altering (aka 204 wallhack) |
Code 152 = |
for Direct3D altering (aka 204 wallhack) |

Steve R. Hawkins
Sergeant First Class - Intelligence / operations
Commander of strike team, also develops operations and intelligence for missions in all operational environments.
Born October 12, 1939 in Wilmington, North Carolina. Entered Service at Detroit, Michigan.
Transferred to Special Forces and sent to training in Fort Bragg in 1963. After his own reguest transferred in 1967 to Vietnam, to LLDB ranger school in Nha Trang.
Currently stationed at A-Team base Nui Pek, Detachment A-216. 5th SF Group.

Le Duy Nhut
Sergeant Guide and Interpreter
LLDB sergeant with great military experience, selected as A-Team official guide and interpreter for his knowledge of English and the terrain. Usually serves team as a point element, leading the way and looking for enemy and traps.

Peter James Defort
Sergeant - Communication Sergeant
Communication specialist, capable of operating, maintaining and repairing team communication equipment, also capable of encoding and decoding encrypted radio messages.
Born December 21st 1944 in New York. Resigned from Air Force Academy as a junior Cadet, requested transfer to Army units in 1964. After basic infantry training in Sacramento Recruiting Battalion transferred at his own reguest to Rangers. In 1966 requested transfer to Special Forces, selected as communication specialist. Excellent technical knowledge, very intelligent.
Currently stationed at A-Team base Nui Pek, Detachment A-216, 5th SF Group.

Joe Crocker
Staff Sergeant - Medical Sergeant
Team medic, efficient both in saving and taking lives.
Born May 17th 1943, San Francisco, California. For two years attended Stanford medical college, then he quit and joined the Army in 1963.
Basic training in Sacramento Recruiting Battalion, medical training in Fort Sam Houston. Transferred to Fort Bragg in 1964, where he received additional battle and medical training, then he went to Okinawa. Rank of staff sergeant attained December 3rd 1965.
Currently undergoing his first battle assignment at A-Team base Nui Pek, Detachment A-216, 5th SF Group.

-21C. J. Honrster
Sergeant First Class - Weapons Sergeant
Trained as a weapon specialist on both US and foreign infantry weapons ranging from pistols to mortars.
Born January 16th 1939, Augusta, Maine. Son of former US Army officer, LT Thomas Hornster. Joined Army in 1957 as a volunteer. Basic training in New England Recruiting Battalion in Fort Williams. Excellent marksman. After basic training transferred to 197th infantry brigade, Fort Benning, where he received an advanced individual infantry training. He reguested transfer to Special Forces in 1960, transferred to Fort Bragg in 1961.
Rank of Staff Sergeant attained December 15th. Served two tour of duties in Vietnam in 1962, 1963. Currently stationed at A-Team base Nui Pek, Detachment A6, 5th SF Group.

Thomas Bronson
Sergeant First Class - Engineer sergeant
Specialist on demolition, trained in use of explosive devices, battle engineer, also trained to use mortars and artillery.
Born January 19, 1936 in New York City. Joined army as an alternative to crime punishment, but no record of any violation of army regulations exist. After training in Fort Bragg he was sent to Vietnam, he is now serving his third tour.
Currently stationed at A-Team base Nui Pek, Detachment A-216, 5th SF Group.
Cpt. Rosenfield
